Each dose of
a drug my parents’ doctors prescribed, for example, came with its own
provenance – it s own realm of creation, intention, purpose, and potential
effects. As I researched and read labels to better understand the world of
pharmacology, I became more aware of my own beliefs about “the unknown” and my
own strength of mind to know that knowledge gained is power to be used through
the freedom we each have to choose and to improve the quality of our life
through our choices. I understand now, that this is the same pattern of change
I began to learn, accept, and live in relationship to food, water, and all
manner of ingesting and inhaling. Think, choose, do – as we gain knowledge, our
behavior will change, IF we are growing. We will feel differently, happier, IF
we are growing. We will begin to know our own strength, and the equal strength
of others as human beings, to choose and to Do.
What will happen if “we” don’t take
this, don’t do this, as recommended?
What could happen if we do?
How do I feel about these thoughts
and potentials of reality?
“We have to follow the rules.” Who
made the rules and why?
What are we being loyal to and why?
What motivates me to change?
Am I afraid or excited about change?
Do I know and trust my Soul and
Spirit mind beyond my physical mind?
How do I feel?
Since I’m
fifty years old now (! – actually, we triplets have always multiplied our age
by 3, so that makes me 150) and both of our parents have died, I have a
different reference point than even a few years ago. The motivation to learn
more, to share more, to trust more in the gift of the Spirit mind that we are
given to help guide us as we are open to learning and growing (changing), is a
deep, deep river of energy that is as calming as the ocean can be to the mind
that loves to hear the wind, to see the sparkles of light dancing off of the
waves, taste the salt of endless travel in experienced water that remembers
power and the purity of light and movement.
Little glimmers of fear that I feel in moments of “what if”, I recognize
now as eternal seeds of promise given to me as invitations to “let go” and
trust, know love, enjoy the spontaneous energy of life itself, always
I just had notice
from a County official about overdue property taxes. At first I was confused. What? With that, a slight glimmer of fear of,
oh no, I don’t have that! Then, the calming of – simply take the steps of
thinking, communicating, resolving. The choosing
and doing that life is made of. As
we learn and grow as a mind, with love as our guide, we begin to civilize
ourselves. Most parents know this well! The step-by-step creating of day-by-day
life is what makes a life, builds a legacy of energy that lives on. As I watch
the news (which I do a lot), I am so conscious of the different energies we
present as the world and which we choose to focus on. This morning, as part of
the CNN Heroes updates, I heard a story about an Afghan woman who moved back to
Afghanistan after living in the US for 38 years. She moved because, as she
said, she wanted to show the world that all Muslims are not terrorists. She
opened a school for Afghan girls. http://www.raziasrayofhope.org/about-the-foundation.html $300 educates one Afghan girl for one year.
That puts dollars into another perspective.
This is an
example to me of one woman, and all of those she has magnetized (inspired) to
support her cause of positive change for humankind, who has chosen to commit
her efforts to change and growth by DOING. “Change is growth; therefore, if we
are open to change we will always grow. Once we accept change, the only
requirement for growth is the commitment that we must make to the doing.” (Bridges of Consciousness, ix-x) As I’m reading Kathy Oddenino’s second book,
Bridges of Consciousness, I’m thinking of all of these things. I’m reading
another phrase I read once – “the illusion of death does not change what is.” I
am so grateful to have chosen to expose myself to the knowledge of who we are
as consciousness – to challenge my mind to think beyond where I have thought
As we talked
about death and change, a friend asked me how I know that death is not terrible
(as I haven’t experienced it). My answer was that I have learned, so far, and
through studying Spiritual Philosophy, that I create my own reality and through
my physical experience I live each pattern of change and growth as a spiritual
being – so what happens (as I create and experience life, change) as I live and
change, day by day, through all interaction and relationships, teaches me that
all change happens in the same ways. We get better at it at the most profound
levels, if we can recognize the value of change for us. Loss is real as change
happens, but what we gain through understanding of energy that we share and
that we are encompasses loss the way a wonderful warm hug from a mother or
friend or lover does in the moment we feel the love shared.
the goldenrod we planted last week is urging its buds into bloom, and that
makes me smile. Rain drips a bit after the hard rain (which was welcome), and
the trees stand tall still as the seasons change, moment by moment.
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